There is a plethora of amazing research conducted every day at lab benches, at computers, on paper, and out in the field by scientists and engineers at Caltech. Traditionally, the results of this work are shared at conferences or in scientific journals in language meant for other scientists. Here at Caltech Letters, we believe in the importance of moving beyond the scientific sphere and inviting the public to be a part of the incredible work that goes on here.
Caltech Letters was founded in 2017 with two separate but synergistic purposes: first, to provide the greater community with a window into the exciting world of scientific discovery, and second, to help Caltech researchers hone their science communication skills by writing concise, accessible articles about their work. Check out our Science tab to see the latest and greatest from our campus labs.
We also elevate Caltech community voices on non-scientific topics they have wrestled with at Caltech, such as mental health, child care, and diversity in science. Click on Viewpoints for pieces about these issues and others. If you are interested in writing, editing, podcasting, web design, or creating art, please get in touch at!
Interested in sharing your science, but not sure you’re much of a writer? Trust us, you’re perfect for Caltech Letters.
Caltech Letters is not a publication of California Institute of Technology. See our disclaimer for more information.